Emergency Response

Companies must have a mechanism to counteract potential risks and operational threats. When “accidents happen”, a crisis management plan can minimize the escalation effects of incidents, such as the company's short and long-term reputation, adverse financial performance and the overall impact of the company's longevity. The associated level of preparedness can mean the difference between the avoided crises and the complete corporate disaster. Whether it is a small or large company, regional in scope, or with an international network of offices and facilities, the design of a Crisis Management Plan Comprehensive and effective (PGC) before a crisis occurs is essential to your company's continued success.


Provide a specialized service, with specific organization, to offer and guarantee a fast and effective intervention, carried out by qualified and specialized personnel, using appropriate material, in cases resulting from sudden illness, trauma, fires, gas leaks, spills, incidents with hazardous materials, explosions, collapses, among others, providing the first intervention and subsequent necessary connection with external teams.
It is important not to forget that in many of these events a higher risk of life is associated, so that an incorrect or late intervention, or even by unqualified personnel, can condition less favorable outcomes.


The INTERVENTION GROUP in EMERGENCIES from Alte Safety is a force that aims to guarantee the safety of people, the environment, property and the continuity of the operation / business. Its values are Prevention, Relief, Rigor, Professionalism, Response Time and Performance

Services / Practice Areas:

  • Fire fighting
  • Search and Rescue
  • Emergency Evacuation
  • Prehospital Medical Emergency
  • Response to situations arising from:
    • Flooding
    • Explosions
    • Overthrown
    • Gas Leaks
    • Dangerous Materials

Advantages / Requirements:

  • Team on-site dedicated to emergency response: Fires, Medical Emergencies, Hazardous Materials, Explosions, Natural Disasters…;
  • Improvement in the maintenance of safety equipment (safety);
  • Updated record of incidents and fire alarms;
  • Continuous and specialized training;
  • Continuous training of First Intervention Teams;
  • Immediate and effective response;
  • Better interaction with external agents (namely firefighters);
  • Controlo de trabalhos perigosos e verificação permanente dos caminhos e saídas de emergência;
  • Applicable in large industrial installations, or at high risk in view of their activity;
  • In installations with a high risk of fire and other hazards;
  • In facilities away from local firefighters.