Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan (Security Plan)

In the scope of fire safety in buildings and premises, in the course of their exploration and use they must have a Safety Plan. The Security Plan is prepared according to several factors that define the Risk Category, such as the necessary self-protection measures in buildings and premises during their exploration or use, in order to comply with the legislation in force, vary depending on the Use -type and risk category. The following are considered globally:

  • Preventive measures, which take the form of Prevention Procedures or Prevention Plans.
  • Fire intervention measures, which take the form of Emergency Procedures or Internal Emergency Plans.
  • Safety records containing the survey or inspection reports, and a list of all maintenance actions and events directly or indirectly related to SCIE.
  • Training in SCI, in the form of actions aimed at all employees and collaborators of the operating entities, or specific training, aimed at security delegates and other elements that deal with situations of greater risk of fire.
  • Simulacres, for testing the internal emergency plan and training the occupants with a view to creating behavioral routines and improving procedures.
  • The minimum periodicity is defined according to the risk category and Standard Use.

A Organização da Resposta à Emergência passa pela elaboração de Procedimentos/Plano de Emergência Interno (PEI), por forma a planear com a devida antecedência as possíveis situações de emergência. As Medidas de Emergência devem ter uma estrutura simples, organizada com o objectivo de permitir gerir as actuações, em caso de acidente, numa óptica da eficácia máxima. Assim, devem ser utilizados documentos de apoio claros e concisos, plantas e desenhos simplificados.

Prevention Measures (Procedures / Plan) are a dynamic document and are intended to be a tool that ensures that all systems or equipment installed and related to safety conditions actually work. On the other hand, it seeks to establish the operating rules that all users of these buildings must respect. It should also be mentioned, and not least, the responsibility for fire safety conditions in relation to its management or administration bodies.

Alte Safety, with extensive experience in designing and implementing Emergency Plans and Prevention Plans for a wide variety of establishments, always in partnership with its customers, is available to support the design, development and implementation of these documents as well. as well as to plan, design, execute and evaluate the accident simulation exercises in order to validate the adequacy of the documents produced for each organization.