Basic Life Support & External Automatic Defibrillation (SBV-DAE)


Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI) course, developed based on the most recent International guidelines for Cardiorespiratory Resuscitation (CPR) and External Automatic Defibrillation (DAE)

Inscrições Abertas até 19 de Setembro de 2022
Calendário: 26 de Setembro de 2022



  • Clear and concise guidelines on how to perform RCP and use an DAE in different emergency settings;
  • Essential information for first aid providers, presented in a clear and direct format;
  • Exercise practice with step-by-step explanations of all the steps to follow in a CPR situation using DAE.
  • Chain of survival
  • Basic Life Support Algorithm in adults and children
  • Cardiorespiratory resuscitation in adults and children
  • Airway obstruction in adults and children
  • External Automatic Defibrillation
  • Precautions, complications and special situations in PCR
DURATION: 07 Hours